Transcript for Womanifesto video
We are not models. We are role models. We thrive in the trenches of love, laundry, and the perfect PowerPoint presentation. And the complex balancing act of career, family, and dreams. Dropping one is not an option. We are layered and modern and all about the details. Because details make us unique. We are comfortable in our clothes and in our skin. We are caffeine-loving, problem-solving, movers and makers that also love coming home. We have no desire to be perfect because imperfection is way more interesting. We are multitasking moms. We are philanthropic fabulists. We are fresh thinking start-ups and life-long upstarts. We are dynamic daughters, loving wives. Mavens and matriarchs. Thelmas and Louises. And we don’t need culture’s opinion on what it means to be a woman. Because it means something different to each and every one of us. We want a brand that will work tirelessly to understand who we are. One that obsesses over every stitch. Every button. Every fiber. A brand that will get up every day to stoke the individual in each and every one of us. A brand that will push for us, root for us, and respect us as role models. Because in our everyday hustle to do it all, that is what we strive to be. And not a thread less.